Click on each painting for a larger view and purchase information. All paintings in this gallery view are cropped square for uniformity, but clicking will show you actual proportions of each painting.
Horse, Acrylic 6x6" (unframed price)
In Bloom, 6x6" Acrylic
"Locally Picked" Acrylic, 6x6" (unframed price)
Sweet Treat, Acrylic, 6x6" price includes frame
"In All Your Glory" Acrylic, 8x8" (framed price)
Chicken a la Palette Knife, ON RESERVE
"Old Friends" Acrylic, 12x12" (unframed price)
Threes a Charm, Acrylic 6x6" Framed
"Irises" Acrylic, 6x6" (unframed price)
"Gifted" Acrylic 12x9" (unframed price)
Wildflowers, Acrylic 7x5" Price includes frame
"Spin!" Acrylic, 8x8" (unframed)
Glorious Morning, Acrylic, 8x8" framed
On Reserve-"Coming to Get You!"
Sunny Kitchen